Thursday, January 30, 2014

Listen - Day Thirty

      I'd like to continue with the How to Listen to God from John E Batterson. On Day Nineteen I shared how he starts by telling truths about God. He ended that list with number 9... Anyone can be in touch with God, anywhere and at any time, if the conditions are obeyed. 
    The conditions are: to be quiet and still, to listen, to be honest about every thought that comes, to test the thoughts to be sure that they come from God, to obey.
     During the past 10 days I have been trying this out, practicing a bit on a small scale, similar to what I have written before. Getting quiet and trying to quiet my thoughts, my body, my mind and listen for the Holy Spirit, for God, for Jesus. 
     I am amazed....and not sure why...but utterly thankful at how personal God is. He always responds to an honest seeker.  Take this for what it's worth to you. To's everything.  I sat with pen in hand and open journal, and a alarm clock set for 10 minutes.  Why you ask?  Jesus Calling author Sarah Young listened for God this way. That day I wrote: Henri Nouwen, my own God Speaking journal, Brighter than sun, Glory of Lord, I am who I am.
     I started rereading Spiritual Direction by Henri Nouwen, I also started rereading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert--- she used a God speaking journal to talk to and listen to God. Our pastor preached a sermon on "I am who I am" saying God always has been and always will be, God is eternal. And I watched a Beth Moore lesson on James yesterday where she talks about the Shekinah of God, the Glory of God is Jesus, brighter than sun.
     How cool is that
     I am underlining and taking notes as I read these books and study scripture. At the heart, at my heart, I want Jesus. He knows that!     
     God is listening to me, and I am listening to God. And it is so personal to me. Try listening yourself. Get quiet and open yourself up--open your heart, your mind, your ears, your spirit to the Holy Spirit who lives within us all. Blessings!    

Monday, January 20, 2014

Listen - Twenty

“In solitude and silent communion with God in prayer, I have to kneel before the Father, just as the prodigal son did upon his return, and put my ear against his chest and listen, without interruption, to the heartbeat of God."       

"If we take the time to be still, we will be led to an  inner  place, a place within us where God has chosen to dwell, a place where we are held safe in the embrace of the all-loving One who calls us by name.” 

     Both quotes are taken from Henri Nouwen's book  Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith

     Thought provoking, yes?
     That image….myself kneeling beside a seated God with my head pressed to his chest….listening.  Me seated at His feet, listening.  Me propped up in bed, eyes closed, clearing my thoughts initially and then just breathing in Jesus and breathing out Jesus…..listening.  
     And being led inside our heart to the place where the Blessed Spirit lives. To sit and  have a cup of tea and a friendly conversation about our day, our life and his desires for the life he has gifted us with.
     Thought provoking, yes? What we can learn from listening to God.  

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Listen - Nineteen

.....I have mentioned that when my calendar reminder pops up with the word Listen, I try to stop and read my scripture verses, but sometimes I do a internet search. This time I searched "How to Listen to God" and got the best write up I have ever read. Absolutely. It is from John E. Batterson and written in the 1930's. This man's claim to fame, besides this wonderful How to, is being a personal friend of Dr. Bob, the co-founder of A.A.! 

   I love how he starts, by listing fundamental points about God

    1. God is alive. He always has been and He always will be.
    2. God knows everything.
    3. God can do anything.
    4. God can be everywhere - all at the same time.
    5. God is invisible, but GOD IS HERE.  He is with you now, He is beside you. He surrounds you. He is in you right now. He is in your heart.
    6. God cares very much for you. He is interested in you. He has a plan for your life. He has an answer for every need and problem you face.
    7. God will tell you all you need to know. He will not always tell you all that you want to know.
    8. God will help you do anything that He asks you to do.
    9. Anyone can be in touch with God, anywhere and at any time, if the conditions are obeyed.

    Just read those again. I mean I know this stuff, but I never thought to use it as a beginning, an intro into my time of prayer and dialogue with God. Yet, why not? It re-establishes quite firmly and truthfully who God is.  He can reach me, teach me, and guide me, as long as I am willing to: "Be still and quiet, to listen, to be honest about every thought that comes, to test the thoughts to make sure they come from God, and to obey",  also from John E. Batterson.
    There is more, but this is a good start for today. Basic fundamental truths about God and an attitude of heart, mind and body that we must assume in order to listen well and hear. More to come. Blessings!  

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Listen - Day Eighteen

“A man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talking. But he became more and more quiet until in the end he realized prayer is listening.” -Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher and writer

      I continue to be amazed at how God answers my desire to listen. I have my calendar pop-ups randomly scattered through the weeks and months ahead. When one pops up, I stop and read my scripture verses or maybe do a web search for the word listen. That's how I found the quote above.
    I am so intrigued by the idea of having a prayer dialogue with my heavenly Father. I love to listen to my earthly dad tell a story...or tell anything actually. He is a natural storyteller and can turn even the most mundane conversation into an adventure with his creativity.  Remembering that puts me in the frame of mind to be still, submit my requests and prayers, and then wait, relaxed, for His response. It will take practice, due diligence, and effort on my part. 
    Yet I know with certainty that He is listening to me. He is encouraging my efforts. He longs to speak with me since I am His child. He wants to give guidance and wisdom. That keeps me going on this journey through this earthly life. I hope it does you too. Blessings! 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Listen - Day Thirteen

.....It's been a rough weekend plus...and looking back it appears to be from my lack of listening. But not only my lack of listening, but my lack of asking for direction.  He is always available to me, to you, to each of us. The training to stop, ask, listen for response needs to be LEARNED.  I acted from my own strength, from my own sense of need to help others. That may not have been the best thing.  God knows best.  I need to listen to Him, for Him. That is where I will start tomorrow...again.  Sometimes God has a better idea of how to help, or not, and I need to follow Him.  Thanks for listening to me.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Listen - Day Eleven

"God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer." Mother Teresa

     ....listening is the beginning of prayer...Not our words, but in our silence God speaks to us. Not in our lists of needs, hopes, dreams, but in the quietness of our very heart, God whispers His hopes, His dreams, and His needs for us.
        What does God want for you?
     Listening requires us to stop our thoughts, our bodies and focus those thoughts and this body on our Creator.  When we stop the chaos for those few precious moments to bring ourselves into his presence, into His light, then we begin to truly enter ourselves into prayer.
        I believe that once we learn the art of prayer, then we can learn how to pray without ceasing as Paul advised us all to do.  Then our very lives becomes a living prayer, a continuous dialouge with our Father God, Savior Jesus and the Blessed Spirit who lives within.
     Yet it all starts with the listening. Be blessed.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Listen - Day Eight

     I sat in the pre-dawn hour wrapped in a quilt and in my thoughts. The quiet enveloped me in peace and I imagined I sat at the feet of Jesus. I listened for His words, for His heart, and there was no struggle, no strain.
   This was a different kind of listening. It was restful, renewing.  Not like the active listening to others.
   I set the alarm for six minutes and closed my eyes. I sipped my coffee and turned my attention to Jesus.  A song ran through my head..."take this world, and give me Jesus..."  What did He want to tell me? What did I need to hear?   
   I am often amazed at the sweetness Jesus shows in doing small things just for me. Things no one else would realize were important or special to me except Jesus. The stillness, my slow awakening, my time with Him before the cares of the day rush in are just one example.
    The alarm went off and I sighed deeply, desperate to stay in that cocoon of listening. I had done better, not alot better, but still better today in centering myself near Him.  I want to try again tomorrow. I look forward to trying again tomorrow. God never turns away an honest seeker.  What are you seeking? What answers are you waiting for? What do you need to hear Jesus whisper to your heart? Take the time and sit with Jesus. Listen. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Listen - Day Five

The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!
    Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10 NIV
    Speak Lord.....for I am....listening.  I have found myself attempting to drink my coffee in the morning and simply be still, be quiet. Quiet my thoughts, quiet my emotions, my heart, my body, and just slip into the presence of God. To sit at His feet like Mary and absorb His words.  My best time the past 5 days has been 3 minutes. I was able to sit without interruption, without turmoil, without to do lists, or looking at the clock--for only 3 minutes.  My goal will be to improve that dramactically as the days progress. 
     Sarah Young in Jesus Calling's Introduction tells how she purposely sat and listened for God with pen or pencil and paper at hand.  How she followed the example of anonymous authors of a devotional she had carried through 2 global-type moves. Her book was created from those times of listening to Jesus and writing what He impressed upon her heart.
     I want that. For Jesus to press His words into my heart. To sit quietly and dialogue with Jesus as with my best friend.  To hear His wisdom and guidance about the day ahead. To listen to the love, to hear the encouragement, to share the laughter, to rest in His arms and listen to His heart.  He wants me to listen to Him. He wants to hear about my hopes and dreams and concerns. 
     Do you want to hear Jesus? To listen to His still small voice?  To hear the love and feel the kindness? Even if the words are those of correction? I do. I pray for both of us to be able to sit quiet for 5 minutes with just Jesus and for us to hear Him clearly as friends who speak face to face.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day Four - Listen

I practiced listening alot today.

I listened at the grocery store buying groceries for my sister's 50th birthday party.

I listened to my mom and dad as we washed veggies, and rolled ham, and sliced rolls.

I listened to party guests talk about Susan, their own 50th birthday or the desire to not turn 50(in other words, not get OLD), various football games, children, being 'surprise' pregnant after last one born 5 years ago, different memories of our shared histories, places where our lives converged and then separated for a while only to re-converge again, and I heard love.

Are you surprised? I was. I am. But for a brief moment I heard the underlying love thread that ran through most of these conversations. Not that "oh you are the love of my life" kind of dialogue, but the "can you get the ice chest and run to store for 2 bags of ice after I hook up your IV antibiotics" kind of love.  The love that stands the test of the day to day, month to year to decade kind of test.  The love that seeped out between words of laughter and teasing.  Sometimes the words were actually said, but mostly you had to lsiten for it.

The love that was shared in commiserating a fallen favorite team or player.  The love heard in correcting a child gently but firmly. The love heard in the asking of "how are you" and then listening for the answer. The love heard in the validation of a life choice that might appear difficult to us but worked for the other person. The love heard in "you wait hear while the ham is sliced and I'll be right back" much love.

Yet by listening, I was allowed a glimpse of that love that binds all of us one to another. In God's family. Such a gift to us all.  If you listen, can you hear the love?  Our world needs to hear it. Our world needs to recognize that we can make a difference by listening for the love and responding in love. I pray you hear the love and it blesses you as it has blessed me.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day Three - Listen

                      In order to listen I must stop talking! 
     That was the lesson from today. And not only stop talking, but stop forming a reply to whatever the person is saying to me. If my mind is engaged with that, then it isn't really listening. This lesson applies to the person in front of me, the one on the phone, and even the Blessed Spirit whispering to my heart to listen to the man who has come to spray the building where I work.
     Listening attentively, means actively listening, seeing, really hearing the voice, the needs, the sharing of heart to heart. How can I do that if I want to top their story --good or bad -- with one of my own?  Hearing the Spirit also requires that attention plus obedience.  The Spirit doesn't mind questions and concerns, but at the end of the day obedience is what is necessary.
     I am excited about the adventure of listening to those I interact with on a daily basis but especially excited about what the Blessed Spirit teaches me.
     Have you picked a word of your own?  Have you prayerfully asked God to help you? I pray that all those who read these words will be blessed with Jesus' love and guidance during this year.   

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Listen - Day Two

" pay attention to, to be alert for a music or a whisper"
" hear something with thoughtful attention; to give careful consideration"
I have heard the voices of co-workers making deals, telling New Year's stories, and asking for help.
I have heard the voice of family asking for prayer, saying thank you and ' I love you'.
I have listened for God's quiet whisper as my calendar reminder popped up to remind me to LISTEN. 
I have listened for His direction through the day, but not consistently yet.
I will need the reminder pop ups and the sticky notes on my computer through the year.
Pray for me to Listen well.
And I pray for you to hear Him too.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Listen -- My One Word for 2014

“Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it."  Proverbs 8:32-33 NIV

“So, my dear friends, listen carefully;
    those who embrace these my ways are most blessed.
Mark a life of discipline and live wisely;
    don’t squander your precious life.
Blessed the man, blessed the woman, who listens to me,
    awake and ready for me each morning,
    alert and responsive as I start my day’s work."  Proverbs 8:32-34 The Message

Hello Dear Friends & Family,

The verse above is the one I chose to go with My One Word for this year.
Following a book written by Mike Ashcraft and RachaL Olson, who wrote that though it is hard to change, if we focus on one attribute that we have prayed about and asked God to lead us to, a word that represents what we want to be for Christ or a word that allows others to see Christ in us, then we have a much better chance of success.
   Last year my word was Peace. Looking back at the year I can see how I grew and changed and embraced the Peace that is beyond understanding.  Not perfectly by any means, but as the year progressed so did I. I was better able to handle trials and challenges and required less down time to regroup and get my center back. My foundation in my sweet Jesus grew more solid, and I called upon the Lord God Almighty to go into days of challenges ahead of me. He was my Father Protector, Jesus was my Peace, and my Blessed Teacher --the Holy Spirit -- led my through her still quiet voice.
   And so I begin this year with Listen. My goal to listen attentively to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To hear God's hopes and directions for serving him and others. To listen without ceasing for my Jesus. And specifically to listen as I begin the rewriting process of 30 Nights with God...the book He has called me to write for Him.
   Do you need a focus for this year? A word to guide and direct or inspire you? The words are as endless as we are individual....for our God is a master craftsman and has an imagination the size of the universe. Seek Him, choose a word, and begin a year long journey to get closer to God. Peace to us all.