"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 NIV
This is the lesson I have been processing since last weekend. I want to live in the Promised Land. Free. Free to be the me God created, Jesus saved, and the Blessed Spirit guides. This scripture verse says the TRUTH will set you free.
And what is the truth?
Jesus said... I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6 NIV
So Jesus is truth. And the truth (Jesus!) will set you free. And I want to be free. My conclusion. My grand summation after journaling and reading scriptures and going over my notes from last weekend is...Jesus is the way into the Promised Land of freedom. Simply put: I just want to love Jesus. I just want to follow Him. So I have been praying, then listening. Listening with my ears, and my heart, and my spirit.
Jesus wants me to love. "A new command I give you: love one another."
I have been trying to be more loving, to more people. Love them like I think Jesus would love them.
To do that I had to surrender myself to Him.
Oh this is not easy ....not easy at all.
But I can tell you in the last few days, I have felt this sense of freedom welling up in me as I followed the Blessed Spirit's promptings to send prayers, to ask about a person's day, to cookie brownies, to be present and go and do when what I wanted was a nap, to be selfish. Yet I pressed on with the Spirit's help and was a freer me. I can't explain it, but even though there was more required of me, there was more of Jesus to share.
I won't ever get this completely right. I know that. I hope to make Jesus smile though. But listening is key and it is still my One Word for this year. Follow Jesus with me into the grandest adventure we could ever have. Please! Blessings to all.