I have seen this explanation for FEAR in several places recently. But my fears are NOT false. My daughter was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes 1 week before her 18th birthday. I live each day with the possibility that something could go wrong with her insulin pump etc. My dad is currently going to the doctor and for 8 plus weeks the tests get progressively more serious without a diagnosis. Through my own error/mistake I was written up at work and it says one more mistake and I will be terminated. This reality has turned me into a nervouse wreck when I get rushed or there is a time crunch-like the end of month billing. My point is that these fears are not false but very real to me. It is my reality.
Yet I still believe that I was meant to live with a fearless heart. Not a pie-in-the-sky happy-go-lucky heart by ignoring the reality or refusing to talk about it or pretending it isn't really happening. I want the courage to look those truths in the eye and say "you are hard, difficult, challenging, scary, but I will not be afraid, because my God, my Jesus, my Mentor stands beside me."
"The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples." Luke 8:24-25 NIV
The disciples, in the middle of a storm, were frightened and called on their friend, their Rabbi, their Lord to save them. So, learning from them, on the days when the fears seem to be winning possession of my heart, I need to be in prayer, in the scriptures, have the praise music going and practice crying out to my Jesus, and then waiting expectantly for Him to calm the storm in my heart. It does take practice though. Repetition until it becomes as natural as breathing. But the outcome will be well worth the time and intentional living.
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